Affordable Housing
The cost of living is rising across District 6 in which a shortage of homes is making them increasingly unaffordable. We can tackle the shortage by supporting smart and equitable development, protecting single family residential neighborhoods while increasing the number of multifamily properties, investing in home repair programs, ensure all housing meets dignified standards and listening to neighborhood leaders on solutions they’ve identified for their areas.
Public Safety
Keeping the residents of District 6 safe can be done through smart, uplifting policies that root themselves at the neighborhood level. I believe trust can be built between our neighborhoods and law enforcement through open dialogue and honest conversations. I have a proven track record of building these crucial relationships across District 6. In addition, I will continue to champion innovative ways to fund new fire stations in District 6.
I am committed to finishing the flood control plan for the Trinity Levees which is good for District 6 and the City of Dallas. I am also committed to working with city staff to get potholes fixed in a timely manner and working with regional transportation groups to create and fund area transportation plans for District 6. Further, I understand that not every District 6 resident drives a car. That is why I am committed to ensuring we do more to protect pedestrians and cyclists.
City of Dallas parks were ranked number 1 in Texas by The Trust for Public Land in 2024. I am committed to investing in our parks. District 6 parks bring our neighborhoods together, keep our families healthy, and beautify our city. I will champion updating the aquatics plan, expand our offering of all ability equipment, and investments to improve and expand the recreational spaces that are so essential to our quality of life.
The Environment
Our families deserve clean air and clean water. It is a public health issue that requires the attention of all levels of government—including the City of Dallas. We must strive to continue implementing and making changes as needed to the City’s Comprehensive Environmental & Climate Action Plan (CECAP). As a member of the Regional Transportation Council of Governments, Dallas must also continue to work with the North Texas Council of Governments to improve the regional air quality.